But I’m Not a Housewife!

Domestic Bliss, Eventually

The Joyful Housewife Has Moved!

Hey y’all!

Yes, I’ve been gone for a long, long time (for reasons which will eventually be explained in future posts). During this extended absence, which is due to familial obligations, I’ve managed to move my blog to a self-hosted platform!

I know change can hard – and it will suck for many of you to get used to the new address and appearance – but change is a given in life and is often for the best. 

I’ll see you over at my new blog home:


Oh, PMS, You Old Gloomy Sight


It appears that there is a social media answer for everything. If you’re having trouble letting your loved ones know you may have PMS, there is now PMSBuddy.com. Use it to send out alerts to your loved ones of your impending PMS, or use it to keep track of your friends’ moodiness. It reminds me of the story a cousin of mine told me about a co-op house she lived in college, in which the women all tracked their cycles on a wall calendar in the kitchen and then would talk about it: “I see you’re menstruating. How are you feeling about that?”

I’m not sure what I think about the site, but maybe it’s not a big deal to me because I don’t really experience PMS much myself. Sure I get a little bloated once a month and I’ve realized a days later that my weepiness and low self-esteem of late may have coincided with my time of the month, but I’ve hardly ever had cramps – and perhaps because of that I’ve never been a moody witch and then attributed it to PMS.

Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself.

~ Roseanne

While I was doing a PMS search to find a fitting image for this post, I came across a few blogs that I found very entertaining. (Incidentally they have the same taste as me as they have also chosen to use the same image for their PMS posts.) It has since occurred to me that the PMS post may be a litmus test for finding the type of blogs I like to read. Anyway I found these blogs amusing and thought I’d share the link love with you.

This one uses the word gobshite in it (Nothing woos me faster than saucy British English, a fact which is evident by the vast number of British TV comedies and dramas I’ve checked out from the library):

K8 the GR8: Still just a rat in a cage

The author of the next one seems to have the same taste in literature as me, is very amusing and dynamic in her posts, and lives in Cape Town, South Africa:

Being Brazen: Poor Me Syndrome

Would you leave your child with a male caregiver? – Child Caring – Boston.com

I thought this was interesting. I remember having a male caregiver at my preschool when I was little. I remember being embarrassed to go to the bathroom at the preschool because there was a partition that only covered the lower half of you. Your head would stick out the top. I remember being aware of little boys and not wanting them to see me go to the bathroom there. 

Anyway, the guy that worked there was great and much loved by all the kids. I think it’s a shame when people allow their fears to  get out of hand. 

Would you leave your child with a male caregiver? – Child Caring – Boston.com

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Millet For Breakfast

Hey y’all. I’ve got the sniffles, but the end of the semester is almost here! Two more days of teaching and then I get ready to see my family in California. Apparently there was just an earthquake there last night. Yikes! At least it wasn’t worse than that.

I’m starting a new habit of eating millet for breakfast. It’s a great whole grain and so fast and simple. We cook a large batch on Sunday (it’s so easy, just boil like rice) and keep it in a tupperware in the fridge. For breakfast, I just microwave a bowl full and add a little bit of honey, milk, walnuts, and raisins.

Breakfast Millet

Millet for Breakfast

For those of you who are gluten free (though I’m not sure I believe that’s necessary) there it is a gluten free whole grain!!!

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Wow! I blink my eyes and weeks have passed since I last posted. It’s been so long that I’ve begun to develop anxiety about posting again. It all started when I worked some extra hours at work. Then we acquired ants in the kitchen and I was battling them for days! Then the weather was bad here in Denver, a snow storm that cut out our Internet for a couple of days. Then, I started to develop carpal tunnel like pain in my arm and gave up knitting and typing for a while. Then there was the funk I was in. I get those from time to time. Finally, my husband bought me a terrific book (which I’ll post about soon) which inspired me to go to the library and bring home a giant stack of books to read…instead of writing myself.

Well, I think those are all the reasons for my absence. Since I’ve been gone, we’ve been doing some exciting things, though.We are still trying new grains and new greens in the kitchen. I wish I could say that my house was getting cleaned and organized during this time, but it’s been two steps forward, one step back with that area of my life. We invited friends over to grill with us and I cleaned voraciously. I managed to get through a very, very large pile of mail that has plagued our dining room, organized and stack them neatly in a box that could be hidden away when company comes, but when I lifted the box a day later, the bottom fell out and the mail is now in a nasty heap on the floor of the sun room. But, I’m making an effort, and that’s all I can do really. Move forward one step at a time. 

There is another excitement in my house these days. We are growing heirloom vegetables from seed and our seedlings are sprouting and growing strong! My husband and I literally sit and stare at them, maybe not for hours, but for a surprisingly long time! 

So, there you have it. I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ll try to catch up. Pictures of things we’ve cooked, the book Tim bought me, and the seedling we are growing are forthcoming.